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How intuitive body scanning and chakra balancing could uncover inflammation and health concerns

Jannette Krezel
In your journey of understanding yourself more deeply, tuning into your energy and noticing the subtle signals from your body can be deeply empowering.
Woman next to palm trees with eyes closed

Often, those little sensations, emotional cues, and intuitive nudges hold valuable insights about our well-being. One of the ways I help my clients tap into these insights is through intuitive body scanning—a practice that connects me with the state of the body's chakras, as well as the inner state of the body's tissue and organs, helping me identify areas of imbalance and stagnation that might need attention.

In this article, I’ll share more about intuitive body scanning, how it can help you understand your energy, and some practical ways you can assess how balanced your chakras are.

What is Intuitive Body Scanning?

Intuitive body scanning is a technique I use during my energy healing sessions, incorporating Reiki practices. As I work with clients, I use Reiki hand placements and symbols, and I move intuitively through each chakra, “scanning” for what may arise in these energy centres. During these sessions, I often receive images, symbols, or even movie-like sequences that seem to represent emotional or energetic blockages within the body.

I see areas where energy feels stuck or stagnant—these may present themselves as a sense of heaviness or dullness in certain areas. In some cases, I can also intuitively observe deeper layers within the body, such as signs of inflammation or irregular growth within certain organs. When these impressions arise, I gently discuss them with clients and encourage them to follow up with their healthcare provider if necessary.

Intuitive body scanning is a gentle and non-invasive way to connect with your body’s energy flow. It allows you to gain insights into how your chakras and overall body are functioning. I then work with your body to support it to move and release stuck and stagnant energy, to support you back into a more balanced state of being.

Signs your chakras might be out of balance

When I’m working with a client in a body scanning session, I can notice of the colour of each chakra looks dull, or too deep of its colour, and work to adjust it. I can also see where parts of the body look inflamed, or have become a different colour than they should be and I will focus healing energy here, as well as pass on insights around what would help the body to be more healthy and regain more balance.

When these chakras are balanced, energy flows smoothly, and we experience a sense of harmony and alignment. However, life’s challenges—stress, trauma, emotional strain—can disrupt this flow, leading to imbalances in these centres that often show up as emotional, mental, or physical symptoms.

If you’re at home or moving through your daily life, you can also notice the signs that your body is sharing with about its wellbeing. When one or more chakras is out of balance, you may experience discomfort or blockages in areas associated with that energy centre. Here are some examples you may notice:

  • Root Chakra: Feeling ungrounded, anxious, or insecure. You may have issues with your legs, feet, or lower back.

  • Sacral Chakra: Emotional volatility, creative blocks, or issues in intimate relationships. This can show up as disease, pain or discomfort in your reproductive organs.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Low self-esteem, difficulty making decisions. This imbalance may lead to digestive issues.

  • Heart Chakra: Difficulty expressing or receiving love, loneliness, you may have respiratory issues, breast pain or tenderness.

  • Throat Chakra: Trouble expressing oneself. This could show up as a sore throat or tension in the neck.

  • Third Eye Chakra: Lack of intuition, mental fog, headaches, eye strain.

  • Crown Chakra: Disconnection from spirituality, feelings of isolation, migraines.

When our chakras are balanced, energy flows smoothly, and we experience a sense of harmony and alignment – things just feel good. But with life’s challenges—stress, emotional strain, or physical issues — the flow can get disrupted, leading to imbalances in the chakra centres that we often recognise as emotional, mental, or physical symptoms.

Bringing each chakra back into balance

Here are some simple practices that could help you to bring each chakra back into more balance:

  • Root Chakra: Grounding exercises like walking barefoot on the grass, on the sand, in nature, as well as visualising the colour of deep red at the base of your spine.

  • Sacral Chakra: Creative activities, such as dancing or drawing, and visualising the colour orange just below your navel.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: engaging in core-strengthening exercises and activities where you feel you can embody your inner power, visualising the colour yellow around your stomach.

  • Heart Chakra: Expressing gratitude, feeling compassion, doing activities that feel joyful, and visualising a green or pink colour around the chest.

  • Throat Chakra: Singing, chanting, journaling, and visualising a blue light around your throat.

  • Third Eye Chakra: Meditation, breathwork, and visualising a deep indigo colour at the middle of your forehead.

  • Crown Chakra: Spending time in silence, practicing gratitude, and visualising a violet or white colour above the top of your head.

Each area of your body, including both your physical and emotional well-being, plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, harmony, and vitality. You can tune in to a deeper awareness of your body at home, as well as lean into supportive practices that can help you to uncover wisdom from your body, like intuitive body scanning and Reiki, which can foster a deeper connection to your health and overall well-being.

If you’re ready to explore how I can support you with a Reiki and body scan session, and work together to identify and address any areas of imbalance in your body, you can find out more here.

Please note, this article does not constitute medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional or doctor if you have any health concerns.

Much love,

Jannette x


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